Menu for September 2017 September 1st Friday Western Chicken Milanesewith saffron rice sweet tomato sauce and broccoliAsian Ebi Chahanwith chinese omeletteWestern Tuna, Sweet Onion Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato, onion, veggie stock, ex. o.oil. Natural short pasta, Tuna, green veggie.Fruits Fresh BananaVeganCake Sweet Potato CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Purple potato pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 4th Monday Asian Teriyaki White Fishwith braised veggies & riceVegetarian Classic Margherita PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour, tomato whole, oregano. Natural yeast, Cheese, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fresh BananaCake Bread PuddingIngredients: Organic egg, sugar, cocoa powder, lemon zest. Natural Milk, bread. September 5th Tuesday VeganVegetarian Mushroom Takikomi Ricewith deepfried Tofu Nimono & veggies Ingredients: Rice, Dry and fresh mushrooms, Carrots, soy sauce deep fried tofu, japanese stockWestern Pumpkin Cream Pastawith natural bacon. Ingredients: Organic pumpkin, cinnamon. Natural shortpasta, milk, flour, parmigiano reggiano cheese, bacon.Fruits Fruits JellyIngredients: Natural Fruits pure, Organic gelatine. No Sugar Added!VeganCake Pumpkin CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Fresh pumpkin, cinnamon. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 6th Wednesday Western Lasagna Classicwith Cumin flavored Broccoli INgredients: Flour, milk, cheese, tomato, vegetables, beef, Broccoli, cumin, EVOAsian Shirasu Ricewith Japanese Scrambled eggs and sautéed broccoliVegetarian Classic Margherita PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour, tomato whole, oregano. Natural yeast, Cheese, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fresh FruitsCake CastellaWith Brown sugar cream frosting Ingredients: Organic egg, flour, sugar, corn starch, Brown sugar, vanilla essence. Natural cream cheese. September 7th Thursday Vegetarian Egg Benedictinewith Roasted Inca Potatoes Ingredients: Organic egg, Organic Ketchup, ex.o.oil, Natural Tofu, spinach, parmigiano reggiano cheese, inca potatoes .Asian Omelette and Ricewith boiled broccoli and sweet tomato sauceWestern Pumpkin Cream Pastawith natural bacon. Ingredients: Organic pumpkin, cinnamon. Natural shortpasta, milk, flour, parmigiano reggiano cheese, bacon.Fruits Mango CompoteMango chunks only, No sugar added!VeganCake Caramel Banana CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Banana pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 8th Friday Western Beef Meatballwith gremolada sauce rice and green veggies Organic whole tomato, tofu, onions, carrots, flour, egg Natural Parmigiano reggiano Cheese, minced beef, minced pork rice, green veggiesAsian Jyajya Menchinese noodle with minced pork and miso, cabbage and carrot Vegetarian Classic Margherita PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour, tomato whole, oregano. Natural yeast, Cheese, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fresh BananaVeganCake Sweet Potato CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Purple potato pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 11st Monday Western Beef Shepherd Piewith Green veggies Beef, veggies, potatoes, tomato, flour, cheese, E.V.OAsian Shirasu Ricewith Japanese Scrambled eggs and sautéed broccoliVegetarian Tomato and Mozzarella Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato, onion, ex.o.oil. Natural mozzarella cheese, short pasta.Fruits Fresh BananaCake Bread PuddingIngredients: Organic egg, sugar, cocoa powder, lemon zest. Natural Milk, bread. September 12nd Tuesday Vegetarian Mac and Cheesewith veggie ragoutAsian Yakisobawith Pork and CabbageWestern Hawaian Pizzawith bacon pineapple and fresh tomato and veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour, tomato whole. Natural yeast, Cheese, pineapple, bacon, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fruits JellyIngredients: Natural Fruits pure, Organic gelatine. No Sugar Added!VeganCake Pumpkin CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Fresh pumpkin, cinnamon. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 13rd Wednesday Western Seafood Jambalayawith veggies egg cappellini and cherry tomatoesAsian Mabo Dofuwith minced pork, egg plant, carrot rice, tofu, green veggiesVegetarian Tomato and Mozzarella Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato, onion, ex.o.oil. Natural mozzarella cheese, short pasta.Fruits Fresh FruitsCake CastellaWith Brown sugar cream frosting Ingredients: Organic egg, flour, sugar, corn starch, Brown sugar, vanilla essence. Natural cream cheese. September 14th Thursday Western Roasted Chicken with Tomato riceCherry tomatoes, Broccoli and Gravy sauce "Daisen" Chicken, rice, Ex.O.Oil, Cherry tomato, Broccoli, tomato sauceAsian Ebi Chahanwith chinese omeletteWestern Hawaian Pizzawith bacon pineapple and fresh tomato and veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour, tomato whole. Natural yeast, Cheese, pineapple, bacon, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Apple CompoteApple, Lemon zest, cinnamon or Vanilla beans 5% of organic sugar addedVeganCake Caramel Banana CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Banana pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 15th Friday Western Lasagna Classicwith Cumin flavored Broccoli INgredients: Flour, milk, cheese, tomato, vegetables, beef, Broccoli, cumin, EVOVeganVegetarian Hijiki Ricewith spinach & pumpkin nimono, tofu steakVegetarian Tomato and Mozzarella Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato, onion, ex.o.oil. Natural mozzarella cheese, short pasta.Fruits Fresh BananaVeganCake Sweet Potato CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Purple potato pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 18th Monday 敬老の日 Western Mac and Cheesewith roasted Bacon or Ham and broccoli Ingredients: Milk, flour, cheese, E.V.O, Broccoli, Bacon or HamVeganVegetarian Japanese Vegetable Currypotatoes, carrots, onions, green veggies, veggie stock, curry spices. Natural rice, corn starchVegetarian Cheese White PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour. Natural yeast, milk, Cheese, emmenthal, gouda, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fresh BananaCake Bread PuddingIngredients: Organic egg, sugar, cocoa powder, lemon zest. Natural Milk, bread. September 19th Tuesday Western Chicken Milanesewith saffron rice sweet tomato sauce and broccoliAsian Salmon Nori Bentowith colorful veggiesVegetarian Ortolana Sauce Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato sauce, ex.o.oil, roots vegetables. Natural green veggies, short pasta, parmigiano reggiano cheese.Fruits Fruits JellyIngredients: Natural Fruits pure, Organic gelatine. No Sugar Added!VeganCake Pumpkin CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Fresh pumpkin, cinnamon. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 20th Wednesday Asian Yakisobawith Pork and CabbageVegetarian Cheese White PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour. Natural yeast, milk, Cheese, emmenthal, gouda, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fresh FruitsCake CastellaWith Brown sugar cream frosting Ingredients: Organic egg, flour, sugar, corn starch, Brown sugar, vanilla essence. Natural cream cheese. September 21st Thursday Asian Omelette and Ricewith boiled broccoli and sweet tomato sauceVegetarian Ortolana Sauce Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato sauce, ex.o.oil, roots vegetables. Natural green veggies, short pasta, parmigiano reggiano cheese.Fruits Mango CompoteMango chunks only, No sugar added!VeganCake Caramel Banana CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Banana pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 22nd Friday Western Tomato Baked Swordfishwith green peas rice, sautéed cauliflowerAsian Gyudon Beefwith sautéed cabbage carrotVegetarian Cheese White PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour. Natural yeast, milk, Cheese, emmenthal, gouda, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fresh BananaVeganCake Sweet Potato CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Purple potato pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 25th Monday Western Mac and Cheesewith bacon & sweetcorn and carrot. Ingredients: Organic Carrot, corn, onion, flour. Natural milk, cheese, bacon, parmigiano reggiano cheese, short pasta.Asian Japanese Chicken Currywith Edamame riceWestern Tuna, Sweet Onion Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato, onion, veggie stock, ex. o.oil. Natural short pasta, Tuna, green veggie.Fruits Fresh BananaCake Bread PuddingIngredients: Organic egg, sugar, cocoa powder, lemon zest. Natural Milk, bread. September 26th Tuesday Asian Pork Shogayakiwith roasted cabbage & carrotVegetarian Veggies PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour, tomato whole. Natural yeast, Cheese, veggies, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Fruits JellyIngredients: Natural Fruits pure, Organic gelatine. No Sugar Added!VeganCake Pumpkin CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Fresh pumpkin, cinnamon. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 27th Wednesday Western Beef Shepherd Piewith Green veggies Beef, veggies, potatoes, tomato, flour, cheese, E.V.OVeganVegetarian Mushroom Takikomi Ricewith deepfried Tofu Nimono & veggies Ingredients: Rice, Dry and fresh mushrooms, Carrots, soy sauce deep fried tofu, japanese stockWestern Tuna, Sweet Onion Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato, onion, veggie stock, ex. o.oil. Natural short pasta, Tuna, green veggie.Fruits Fresh FruitsCake CastellaWith Brown sugar cream frosting Ingredients: Organic egg, flour, sugar, corn starch, Brown sugar, vanilla essence. Natural cream cheese. September 28th Thursday Western Roasted Chicken with Tomato riceCherry tomatoes, Broccoli and Gravy sauce "Daisen" Chicken, rice, Ex.O.Oil, Cherry tomato, Broccoli, tomato sauceVegetarian Takikomi Ricewith Japanese Tamago Yaki & green veggiesVegetarian Veggies PizzaWith veggie stick and tofu mayonnaise. Ingredients: Organic flour, tomato whole. Natural yeast, Cheese, veggies, parmigiano reggiano cheese. saltFruits Apple CompoteApple, Lemon zest, cinnamon or Vanilla beans 5% of organic sugar addedVeganCake Caramel Banana CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Banana pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda. September 29th Friday Vegetarian Veggie Taco Ricewith Organic Veggies Asian Teriyaki Chicken Ballswith rice & veggies Ingredients: Chicken, daisu, flour, egg, veggies, rice, soy sauceWestern Tuna, Sweet Onion Short PastaIngredients: Organic whole tomato, onion, veggie stock, ex. o.oil. Natural short pasta, Tuna, green veggie.Fruits Fresh BananaVeganCake Sweet Potato CakeIngredients: Tofu, flour, sugar, shortening, Purple potato pure. Natural baking powder, baking soda.Bento Shop Menu for July 2017 Menu for October 2017